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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Our Team


Sarah Hepworth

Mrs Hepworth

SEND Governor

Learning Mentor

Inclusion Teaching Assistants

Bishop Tufnell CE Primary School Inclusion Vision:

We aim to ensure that children in our school feel included in school life, feel that they can achieve academically and that they belong in school. We aim for our school to be an inclusive environment which supports and challenges pupils to achieve their full potential.

We do this in classrooms as follows:

Teachers provide an inclusive learning environment that maintains high expectations for all learners.

Staff have an excellent understanding of learners’ needs.

Students with SEND learn alongside their mainstream peers.

Learners receive quality first teaching in all their lessons.

Learners with SEND have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.

Here at Bishop Tufnell Primary School, we believe that ALL children have individual or "special" needs and that Every Child Matters.  Some of our children’s needs can be met within the normal classroom setting, whilst others may need more specialist, individual learning experiences out of the class.

Our Inclusion Leader/SENDCO is Mrs Sarah Hepworth and our Learning Mentor is Mrs Jane Delambily.  They can be contacted by phoning the school office on 01243 584412.  We have a team of Inclusion Teaching Assistants who are qualified to help and teach both in and out of classrooms.  Some hold additional qualifications and have more specialist knowledge in the areas of speech and language disorders, physical difficulties and strategies for teaching children with dyslexia and dyscalculia. With their help, we have been able to work more closely with parents and carers to help solve any problems children may be experiencing in school or at home.

We are extremely lucky to have good, spacious premises in our School – ‘The Studio’ and ‘The Harbour’. These facilities enable us to meet a diverse range of needs across the School and are equipped to support children who find School particularly challenging.

Some children need an individual programme of work, where targets are set and evaluated termly.  Parents are invited to share in this "Individual Learning Plan" (ILP) on parent consultation evenings and their support and input are invaluable.  In addition, as children pass on through the School they take an increasingly active part in drawing up their targets.

Please find our SEND Information Report, SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan below:

If you would like to access the West Sussex County Council's information regarding the Local Offer, please click on this link:  https://westsussex.local-offer.org

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