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Our School Day

Our School Offices are open from 8.30am until 4.00pm.  If you wish to speak to someone in the office we advise you to call wherever possible. If you are at the school you will be asked to press the buzzer and then wait outside until someone can come and see you.

Pick up and drop off

In line with the government’s recent white paper ‘Opportunity for All’, we have been asked to change our school times to bring it in line with national expectations of a minimum of 6 ½ hours a day (32.5 hours per week)

From September 2023 our school times will be:-

  • EYFS/KS1 8.45am – 3.15pm
  • KS2 8.45am – 3.20pm

Gates will be open at 8.30am and registers will close at 8.45am.

We are reducing the end of the day gap between KS1 and KS2 to make it more convenient for families.

  • All children will need to bring a book bag, coat and packed lunch (unless they are entitled to Free School Meals). They will also need to bring in their PE kit when needed.
  • Mobile phones can be brought into school (KS2) and will be stored in the school office

The school day

  • Playtimes are staggered across the school between 10.00am and 11.00am and Lunchtimes will be from 12.00 - 1.00pm
  • Worship takes place every day in the school hall. Monday worship is led by Mr Sharp or Miss Type, Tuesday worship is led by our Year Group Representatives, Wednesday worship is led by Father John, Thursday is a singing worship and Friday is a Celebration worship.
  • Children must attend school
  • Clubs run regularly and a list will be sent out at the start of the new academic year

Home Time Arrangements

Please inform the class teacher if there are any changes to the arrangements for collecting your child as we are always concerned for the safety of the children.  Please ensure that we have up-to-date records for contacts numbers including work, mobile and home phone numbers.

If you are unable to collect your child from school and they are expecting you, please arrange for somebody else to meet your child and contact the School Office so that we can inform your child and their teacher.

Teachers regularly remind the children never to go with strangers and never to leave the gate if they have not been met - they are told to come back into school, where a member of staff will phone home.  We hope parents will reinforce this important message regularly with their child.  Please help us to keep your child safe.

Travel Plan

Our school has a Travel Plan to promote walking and cycling to school.  This is to help children develop a healthier lifestyle, to improve road safety, and to reduce congestion around the school.  We support national and international "Walk to School Weeks", when children contribute to a class chart showing how they have come to school.  There is a Puffin Crossing on the Middleton Road, please encourage the children to use this facility for their personal safety.  

There are cycle racks at both the KS1 and KS2 areas where children can lock their cycles safely during the day.  We have a simple cycle permit that we encourage parents to complete if they wish their child to cycle, setting out our expectations for safe cycling.

We encourage parents to park a short distance from the school and then walk. Please be considerate to our local residents if you are parking a car, and, for the safety of our children, do not park at any time on prohibited areas (zig-zag lines), or in the bus lay-by.



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