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At Bishop Tufnell Primary School, we encourage excellent attendance and every half term we award 100% attendance certificates to pupils.  It is important your child attends school to ensure a good education. By law, as a parent or carer, you must make sure that your child receives a suitable full-time education.  This means that your child should not have sessions of unauthorised absence.  Regular attendance means 100% of the time the school is open unless you have the permission from the Head Teacher to be absent.


If your child is too ill to come to school, please ensure you let the School Office know preferably before 8.30am.  You can leave a message anytime on the answer phone by calling 01243 584412.   If we do not receive a reason as to why your child is absent, they may receive an unauthorised mark. Where possible please provide the School with medical evidence such as a doctor’s appointment card or letter, especially where children are off for more than a few days.


We encourage parents not to take their children out of School during term time. If you do need to take your child out of school for exceptional circumstances, please complete a Leave of Absence Request form.  This is available on our Forms section on the website or from the School Office.


If you take your child out of School without the approval of the School for five days (ten sessions) or more, you will be liable to receive a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) from West Sussex County Council for failing to ensure your child’s regular school attendance. 


For the first occasion a child is absence without authority, the FPN is £160.00 and a parent is given the opportunity to pay within 21 days at a rate of £80


For the second occasion the same child is absent without authority, the FPN is £160.


For the third occasion the same child is absent without authority, a FPN may not be issued and instead the case may be referred direct to a Magistrates Court or alternative interventions may be considered.


Please note: If the School refers a period of absence that is 15 consecutive school days or more, Pupil Entitlement Investigation may consider a FPN is not appropriate.  In these instances, the matter may instead be brought directly before a Magistrates Court.

For more information, click here to access advice from West Sussex County Council

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