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We have designed a rich, motivating and ambitious curriculum at Bishop Tufnell, which enables our pupils to become confident independent learners. Our pupils learn the relevant skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the next phase of their education, and as they become 21st century global citizens (see school vision).

Our curriculum design is based on the National Curriculum and focuses on the experiences of the whole child. Thirteen subjects are taught as either “core” or “foundation” subjects.There is also time in the school week for Education for Safeguarding (E4S) lessons, which teach our children digital and media literacy, physical and emotional wellbeing and positive relationships. Our Forest School provision nurtures curiosity, collaboration and resilience.

Each year group has termly or half termly topics with key questions and high quality texts drive the learning. Mathematics and English are taught daily, with children learning new skills that build on prior knowledge. Educational trips and visitors to the school, whole school themed days and extra- curricular opportunities all provide extra memorable experiences in the children’s learning journeys.

We have developed a two year rolling cycle of curriculum planning for Year 1/2, enabling coverage and balance. We adapt learning for SEND pupils and provide extra challenge for those exceeding age-related expectations.

At Bishop Tufnell it is our aim that all pupils flourish as learners, and achieve their full potential.


Please click here for our whole school curriculum overview


I hear things, and I forget them.

I see things, and I remember them. I do things, and I understand them.


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