Through topic-based work we aim to provide all pupils at Bishop Tufnell with a knowledge and understanding beyond their local area, to include the United Kingdom, Europe, North and South America. Pupils are given the opportunity to widen their knowledge of diverse places, people, resources and environments. The children are taught locational and place knowledge, key aspects of human and physical geography, map skills and fieldwork progressively throughout the two key stages. We are fortunate in having a varied local environment to help aid geographical study and children often take part in trips to investigate features, such as rivers and coasts.
Pupils will have:
An excellent knowledge of where places are and what they are like, both in Britain and the wider world;
An extensive base of geographical knowledge and vocabulary;
Fluency in geographical enquiry and the ability to apply questioning skills, as well as effective presentation techniques;
The ability to reach clear conclusions and explain their findings;
Excellent fieldwork skills, such as map reading, observing, measuring and recording human and physical features in their surrounding environment and local area.
A genuine interest in the subject and a real sense of curiosity about the world and the people who live here.
Teachers are provided with the curriculum map for Geography, so that they know which topics and skills they need to plan to cover in their lessons. As part of the planning process teachers need to plan:
Locational knowledge, Place Knowledge, Human and Physical Geography and Geographical skills and Fieldwork in each unit they cover.
The cycle of lessons for each unit, will carefully plan for progression, concentrating on the skills mapped out for that year group.
Our Geography has been planned to show progression and give children quality teaching that covers the national curriculum. We will measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- Collecting in all medium term planning to check the correct objectives are being covered.
- Pupil conferencing about their learning in Geography.
- We will gather a collection of Geography work that shows progression across the school.
- We will give feedback to staff on how the Geography curriculum is being covered through our analysis of planning, pupil voice and children’s work. We will clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses, so that it is clear to staff which areas they need to improve on.
- Staff will plan for trips and visiting experts to enhance the curriculum.
- Staff will be offered a brief survey about the teaching of Geography towards the end of the academic year to inform the skills progression/route map for the following year.
- We will conduct an audit of resources towards the end of the academic year which will guide us in what is needed for staff to teach Geography effectively.
See here for our Knowledge and Skills Progressions
Please click here for our Geography Route Map